Flashing lights
Flash energy : 30 J
Light intensity : 1500 cd
Protection system : IP55
- secure 360� alarm for large distances (indoors or outdoors)
- extremely reliable and durable due to the use of state-of-the-art electronic components � no replacement of mechanical or electrical wearing parts necessary
- reliable performance even under the toughest working and production conditions, e.g. possible voltage ?uctuations, high ambient temperatures up to +55 �C, high relative humidity up to 90 %
- mounting-friendly; large variety of mounting methods
- bracket mounting using solid stainless steel bracket or direct mounting with enclosed ?at seal
- maximum ?ash energy 30 joules
- good light bundling is achieved in the horizontal plane thanks to the lens in the form of a fresnel lens and the special xenon ?ash tube
very good perceptibility over great distances; low power consumption